
Wednesday, 11 November 2015

How to Choose a Perfect Mehndi Design

 Mehndi is a tradition in many countries of Asia and Africa. However, this tradition has become a trend today, because it's very nice, but painless. Mehndi is derived from the leaves of "henna plant". Henna application, people can take without pain or discomfort associated with severe development body art.

The original request mehndi tradition for over 500 years in South Asia, India and Pakistan. Weddings and religious functions are mehndi as incomplete without application. This art has gained much popularity on the internet and now people around the world have an interest in the creative body art.

You can select available from a variety of different mehndi designs downloaded from the Internet. These patterns can be used as a guideline for the application mehndi easier or they can be transferred directly from one side via a carbon paper. To start with prefabricated mehndi is also a good model for options.

After you select from a variety of mehndi patterns, the next step is to practice projects. If you are a fan, practice drawing on paper the first can be helpful. Latest mehndi excellent designs request has to do with creativity and practice. After a few projects, innovative models automatically from your mind.

There are four main types of models to choose mehndi. Indian style includes fingers properties of the completely covered in henna. Pakistani models are more complex, more complex and time. African motifs are geometrical figures and points, while the Arabs drawings are averages designs flowers, leaves and vines.

How it works as a temporary skin dye mehndi, it is a very interesting concept. The crushed leaves of henna paste form, and applied to the body undergoes an oxidation reaction. With this reaction, the dye in the superficial layers of the skin, which gives temporary color is absorbed. The color of the mehndi initially pale orange to reddish brown to dark 24-72 hours.

The ease and perfection in mehndi application depends largely mehndi by the use of a good dealer. These valves can be plastic cones, brushes and bottles Jacquard. Henna flow should be smooth and not to confuse. So go ahead and splurge a little funny and real henna art! It's really a fine art.


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